January 5 -- Drs. Peter Liesenfeld and Scott Beck: NPS High School Update:
Dr. Liesenfeld (Norman North) and Dr. Beck (Norman High) are going to do a special presentation on both high schools.  It will be based on the survey results that members submitted.  Peter Liesenfeld, a lifelong resident of Norman, has been an educator in Norman Public Schools for 17 years.  He attended Norman Public Schools and earned a master’s degree and a Ph.D. in Education Administration from the University of Oklahoma.  He serves as head principal at Norman North High School.   Scott Beck is the Principal at Norman High School. He joined the Norman Public School System in 2004 and has served as an Assistant Principal and as a social studies teacher and coach. Beck holds a Bachelor's degree from the University of Central Oklahoma, a Master's degree in Education Administration, Curriculum and Supervision from the University of Oklahoma and a PhD in Education Leadership and Policy Studies from OU.  Thanks for all you do and for taking time out of your busy schedules to come tell us the latest happenings going on at our schools.
Dr. Scott Beck  with Jim Wade and Jason Smith
Dr. Peter Liesenfeld with Jennifer Baker