Rotaract Chair, Dennis Brigham, took OU's Rotaract students to the Balloon Festival in Albuquerque, NM to meet other Rotaract students.

 "I taught I taw a Rotaract." "I did! I did see a Rotaract!" exclaimed Tweety.



Dennis and Rotaracts




"This was a cool moment. I was behind the basket shooting up into the balloon and the pilot walks around the corner and says, "bah! that's not the shot!" he then grabs me by the arm and leads me around to the top of the balloon, rips open a flap and says, "that's the shot!,"  - Dennis




The Rotaractors couldn't believe they were allowed to paint on it... and even questioned me sternly about it. Seeing the big grins on their face as they painted to the last drop convinced me that stopping here was a good idea - DennisImage